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Prayer for One Year of War in Ukraine

We encourage you to translate and use this in your church and personal prayers, around February 24, the one year anniversary of when the war started in Ukraine.

Lord God, we come before you again, like we have countless times over the past year, interceding on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Lord, we look back and reflect on a year of pain and grief and loss.

We remember and we grieve. For loved ones who have been killed or gone missing. For millions who have been displaced from their homes and whose security has been robbed from them. For families separated and who have not seen loved ones for months.

We remember and we grieve. For churches destroyed, captured by occupying forces, and forced to shut. For pastors and church members and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to care for those displaced. For the millions who continue to try and carry on with their lives through the trauma and weight of war.

And for the millions around the world whose lives have been made more difficult and painful as a consequence of the war.

God we cry out to you for mercy, for peace, and for your Spirit to be upon our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Continue to give them the strength to endure through the end of this conflict.

Lord, we give thanks for the ministry and witness of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, in the neighbouring countries, and across Europe and Central Asia. We ask that your name continue to be glorified in our actions. We know that you, Lord Jesus, are present in every act of care and mercy and peace. May the world know more of your goodness and saving love through our response to this tragedy.

Lord, we praise you for the thousands who have come to know you in the past year. For the tens of thousands that have come to your Church to seek comfort and who have met you. For those who have been baptised and saved, we praise your name Lord God. We pray that your Kingdom will continue to flourish in Ukraine.

Sovereign God, we pray for the end of this war. Lord, we know our prayers of peace are not lost in the dark. We know that you have heard us and continue to hear us. We trust that you, oh God, will work miracles of peace and justice in Ukraine.

Lord, hear our prayers.




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