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I Love Your House, O God (Russia)

When the lyrics of this hymn reached Russian-speaking churches, it received a local tune, and became one of the most popular hymns, particularly during the times of the Soviet regime. Baptist churches in that part of the world were traditionally called 'houses of prayer', and the Russian version of this hymn also centres upon the image of the church as the 'house of God'. This imagery is reflected in our alteration of the original lyrics.

Words: Timothy Dwight (1801), alt'd

Music: Russian (author unknown)

Country: -

Language: Russian


  1. I love your house, O God, the gath'ring of your own, the church that our Redeemer saved with his own precious blood.

  2. I love your church, O God. Her walls before you stand, Dear as the apple of your eye, And graven on your hand, Dear as the apple of your eye, And graven on your hand.

  3. Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Her sweet communion of the saints, Her hymns of love and praise, Her sweet communion of the saints, Her hymns of love and praise.

  4. For her my tears shall fall, For her my prayers ascend, To her my cares and toils be given till toils and cares shall end, To her my cares and toils be given till toils and cares shall end.


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