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2021 | Council Resolution

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2021 Amsterdam Resolution on COP26

European Baptist Federation Council Meeting

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

22-25 September 2021

The Council of the European Baptist Federation, in its hybrid meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22-25 September 2021:

REJOICES that God's glory and love are revealed and displayed through His very good creation.

The earth is the LORD’S, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Psalm 24:1

BELIEVES as bearers of God's image that as stewards we have been entrusted with the privilege and responsibility to care for His creation and that we are called to live our lives in a manner that reflects His image.

REAFFIRMS the Council’s Resolutions from 2019 and 2008 on Climate Change and Creation Care.

GIVES THANKS for those who are using their creativity to develop ideas and technology that will help reduce the intensity of climate change, moderate its impact, and protect both people and the whole of creation.

CELEBRATES that the young people across our region who are seeing the impact of climate change are planning and participating in pre-COP events and initiatives.

ACKNOWLEDGES the extreme weather events that have impacted the countries of our own member unions and prays for national and local government leaders as they prepare for more extreme weather events.

COMMITS to praying for the protection of threatened habitats and for the restoration of these habitats, creating sustainable agriculture across the world.

ENCOURAGES our member unions and partners to emphasize the importance of the Christian community in the care of God’s creation, which is part of Jesus’ mandate to love our neighbour.

INVITES our member unions and partners to advocate for local church communities to invest in green solutions within their buildings and land and to network together in order to share best practices.

RECOMMENDS that our member unions and partners participate in the Season of Creation with other European Christians (

CHALLENGES our member unions and partners to speak up against the injustice of climate change as it affects the poorer nations disproportionately and to call for richer nations to financially support green solutions across the world.

CALLS ON member unions and partners to pray for the leaders of COP26 and to urge their governments to address climate change and, in particular, to address the aims of COP26:

  • to secure global net zero by 2050 and keep 1.5 degrees within reach,

  • to adapt and protect communities and natural habitats already impacted by climate change,

  • to mobilize finance so that the first two may be realized, and

  • to work together to turn ambition into action.

COP is a yearly gathering of the world’s nations to discuss and plan a response as to how together we can face the challenge of climate change. COP26, the 26th meeting, takes place from Sunday 31 October to Friday 12 November and is being hosted by the UK Government in Glasgow, Scotland.


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