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Baptist Ukraine Response | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Updated: 28 November 2022

What is the current situation in Ukraine?

The situation in Ukraine continues to change and there is no predictable outcome to Russia’s increasingly erratic attacks. As Russia has lost ground in the east and south, civilian and critical infrastructure have become new targets of attacks. The immediate needs in the winter months and rebuilding so much damage will be great. Even as the news no longer prominently features war updates, millions continue to wrestle with their new and unstable reality. Read regular updates on the Baptist response here.

How are Baptists responding to the situation?

Are there many Baptists in Ukraine?

How can I give?

Is it possible to make a tax-deductible donation?

What does the money go toward?

How can we pray?

Can I volunteer in the field?

I/my church is in Europe and wants to host Ukrainian refugees. What should I do?

I am a journalist, can I get in touch with Baptist leaders from Ukraine?


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