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College Students


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Arab Baptist Theological Seminary

Founded in 1960 in the hills overlooking Beirut, the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) equips servant-leaders for the ministry challenges arising in the Middle East and North Africa – be it theology, apologetics, communication, pastoral care, ethics, society, or culture. The mission of ABTS is to serve the Arabic speaking Church as it realizes its Biblical mission of having Christ acknowledged as Lord by offering specialized learning resources and equipping faithful men and women for effective service.

Elie Haddad


Erasmus Partnership

303 Mansourieh, Lebanon

Bristol Baptist College

The world’s oldest Baptist college is committed to being a part of the new things that God is doing. Our focus is on ministry and mission across cultures and subcultures, with an emphasis on contemporary and urban contexts. We tailor packages of placement-based contextual training and education around the individual needs of each student.

Peter Morden


Erasmus Partnership

The Promenade, Clifton Down, Clifton, Bristol, UK

Cardiff Baptist College / Coleg y Bedyddwyr Caerdydd (Wales, UK)

CBC is a faith-based formational community in Wales that has been preparing women and men for ministry since 1807. We covenant to ‘walk together’ to develop spiritual maturity, practical skills, and theological vision. We seek to explore Christian faith and practice in a way that is academically rigorous, theologically broad and deep, and relevant to the needs of today. We do this with our academic partners in Cardiff University.

Rosa Hunt & Ed Kaneen


Erasmus Partnership

Cardiff Baptist College / Coleg y Bedyddwyr Caerdydd, Richmond Road, Cardiff, UK

Dutch Baptist Seminary, part of Vrije Universitet

The Dutch Baptist Union serves the Unie-ABC church fellowship by training pastors, providing theological inspiration and doing research (through the McClendon Chair based at VU University). We have about 30 students enrolled in our primary programs, about 20 PhD's and researchers connected to us, and some other programs in which we involve churches and lay leaders.

Hans Riphagen


Erasmus Partnership

Baptist House, Postjesweg 150, 1061 AX Amsterdam, Netherlands

Estonian Free Church Theological Seminary

We are functioning as Free Church educational centre, offering nationally accredited degree programs (BA, MA), organising conferences and one-year long Bible school, developing theological thought and publishing materials. There are 75 students on degree programs, but annually we train 500-700 people. The aim of the school is to function for the growth and gain of  Estonian churches. At the same time we are very open for international cooperation.

Einike Pilli


Erasmus Partnership

Koskla 18, Tallinn, Estonia

Moscow Baptist Seminary

To know Christ and let Him known. MTS is serving churches to prepare a new generation of leaders to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. We serve leaders in the Russian speaking world.

Peter Mitskevich


Erasmus Partnership

Perovskaya Ulitsa, 4А, Moscow, Russia, 111524

Odesa Theological Seminary

One of the first evangelical theological schools in Ukraine. Established in 1989, when Ukraine was still under Communist rule. Since its inception, OTS has been training men and women for impactful ministries in the church and society at large. In all our programs we endeavour to remain faithful to our motto “Quality education for those who are called”.

Oleksandr Geychenko


Erasmus Partnership

Korsuntsi, Odesa Oblast, Ukraine, 67583

Spurgeon's College

The mission of Spurgeon’s College is, to provide an excellent education in a supportive environment, in particular training those called to Christian mission, ministry and leadership in the contemporary world. Spurgeon’s College is an evangelical, Christ centred College, with the power in UK Law to grant taught academic awards up to and including Level 7 Master’s degrees and the power to authorise other institutions to grant degrees in its name.

Philip McCormack


Erasmus Partnership

South Norwood Hill, London SE25 6DJ, United Kingdom

Theologisches Seminar des Bundes Evangelisch

Description coming soon...

Andrea Klimt


Erasmus Partnership

Johann-Gerhard-Oncken-Straße 7, Wustermark, Germany

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