Horizons Training
Global training programme for youth and children workers
Horizons is a global training program which arose by listening to the needs of hundreds of grassroots youth workers as to what they really needed to do an effective job in their ministry to young people, both inside and outside the local church. Horizons was created by bringing relevant training gathered from numerous global experts and practitioners of youth and children work in an easy to use format. The program is available with the assistance of local mentors who understand the context of ministry in the local setting. Mentors are committed to walk with the participant through their exploration for the answers to questions they have about doing effective youth work. We are here to equip, encourage and engage youth and children workers!
“God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.” — 1Corinthians 1:27-29

Youth Workers
Horizons is committed to providing an informative and helpful training program for youth workers to enhance God’s work in their local church. Horizons is an online, self directed, mentor encouraged training platform for leaders looking to develop their skills and understanding of why and how they work with youth. Horizons is available in several global languages with capable local mentors ready to guide leaders through their learning journey and help them reflect on their local work.
Children Workers
Horizons is committed to training leaders working in children’s ministry. There are caring children’s work specialists who are ready to reflect and encourage you through your self directed study on multiple relevant topics pertaining to ministry with children. Currently available in English. Horizons Children’s Work Training will eventually be available in various global languages as the need arises.