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The Baptist Union of Croatia Has Elected New Leadership

Baptist Union of Croatia

Zagreb, Croatia, the 30th of November 2019. – The delegates of local Baptist churches have by their votes elected a new leadership of the Union for the period of 2019 to 2023.

The biggest news is the election of a new president in Ivica Horvat, pastor of the Zagreb Baptist Church since 2017 and the election of some younger members to the executive committee.

There was opportunity at the assembly to review what has been achieved in the previous four years. Written reports were handed out and the current president at the time Toma Magda presented the work that had been done under great challenges that the Union was undergoing: theological education, the Čakovec High School, the immigrant crisis, founding of “Croatian Baptist Aid” and filling the need for qualified pastors (there are currently 30 full-time pastors).

General Secretary Željko Mraz and the treasurer Ivan Vučetić presented the financial report for the previous period in which the CBU has undergone a reform of it’s financial business.

The vote for the nominated candidates for offices in the Union for the subsequent term resulted in the election of Ivica Horvat as the president of the Union. The vice president is still pastor Ladislav Ružička, and the treasurer Ivan Vučetić.

Željko Mraz has been elected as the General Secretary for the 7th term which puts him amongst the longest serving GS in the EBF/BWA family. It is especially encouraging that at this assembly alongside experienced pastors, new younger members have also been elected to serve on the executive committee which will bring freshness to the new leadership and a feeling of belonging to the wider Baptist family to the younger generation. The election part of the assembly ended with prayer for the new leadership.

In his opening address, pastor Ivica Horvat, the new president of the Croatian Baptist Union thanked the assembly on the trust extended to him and outlined what the major emphases of his ministry will be. He sees the unity of those within the family as the key for the effective mission of the church in the world.

The freedom of every individual is important so that the Spirit can freely work through the Word and grace in interpersonal relationships must be a characteristic of those who live in the same faith family. “I’m open to learn, and ready to hear criticism, but I expect that we persistently pursue what we agree to” pastor Horvat concluded.

Toma Magda has served four terms as the president of the CBU since 2003 and decided to retire from this responsible ministry and seek to serve in other areas. The Assembly acknowledged his dedicated and sacrificial service with words of thanks, prayer and symbolic gift.

The former Speaker of the Assembly, Giorgio Grlj, also retired from active leadership in the SBC, and was also thanked for his service in the same way.

Photos: Baptist Union of Croatia



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